• P.А. Voronin Moscow Aviation Institute
  • А.М. Belevtsev Moscow Aviation Institute
  • F.G. Sadreev Moscow Aviation Institute
Keywords: Digital transformation, PLM system, process management, hierarchy analysis method, machine- building enterprise


As part of the transition to the sixth technological order, the question of effective implementation
of the digital transformation of the enterprise is acute for industrial enterprises. To do this, enterprises
need to ensure the transition to process management, automate business processes and integrate all
processes, applications and data on a single platform. There is a problem of choosing a way to combine
information flows between various software tools in the enterprise, one of the solutions is the use of a
PLM system. With a discrete type of production, their use is difficult due to the large number of softwaresolutions in the main, organizational, supporting and business development processes. In this regard, it
is necessary to determine the optimal system that would meet all the necessary criteria for building a
single platform for a "seamless" production process. There are a large number of PLM systems on the
market that implement a certain number of functional appointments. The choice of a PLM system should
be based on the satisfaction of an interconnected set of enterprise requirements, which are determined
based on business processes. This will eliminate most unsuitable software solutions. At the same time, a
PLM system that has the widest functionality may not meet the requirements for creating a system for
ensuring integration with business process automation systems, as well as economic, social, political
and other requirements. Therefore, an individual list of criteria is compiled for each enterprise in accordance
with the field of activity, the type of production, the availability of various software, the existing
level of automation and other parameters. The article proposes a methodology for choosing PLM
systems for a radio-electronic engineering enterprise, based on the analysis of business processes and
determining the requirements of the enterprise, monitoring and determining the functional purposes of
PLM systems and determining the optimal option based on the hierarchy analysis method. Obtaining an
integrated assessment of certain criteria and software solutions options will allow an objective choice of
the optimal PLM system for a particular enterprise. The use of the methodology will speed up and improve
the quality of the PLM system selection process for a certain enterprise in the conditions of transition
to the sixth technological order and industry 4.0.


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