• А.V. Andrianov JSC "TNIIS"
  • D.E. Gubarev Southern Federal University
  • А.N. Zikiy Southern Federal University
  • P.N. Zlaman NKB "MIUS", Southern Federal University
Keywords: Protective device, limiter, amplitude characteristic, amplitude-frequency characteristic, output signal spectrum, receivers


The protective device (limiter) at the receiver input is an important component, as it ensures
the safety of the receiver operation in conditions of receiving powerful signals. The results of an
experimental study of a protective device in the 1-4 GHz band are presented. It is shown that the
minimum bandwidth losses at a low power level do not exceed 0.63 dB, the maximum bandwidth
losses are 1.23 dB. At an input power of 25 dBm, the protective device operates in a non-linear
mode, therefore it creates harmonics of the input frequency. The experimental amplitudefrequency
response (AFC) of the protective device, as well as amplitude characteristics at three
frequencies are presented. The experiment to remove the frequency response was carried out on a
vector analyzer of circuits. The experiment to remove the amplitude characteristics was carried
out using a standard signal generator and a spectrum analyzer at three frequencies: 1 GHz;
2 GHz; 4 GHz. Structurally, the protective device is a polycor substrate on which all elements
except connectors are placed. The substrate is placed in a frame-type housing and closed with two
sealed lids. Type III sockets according to GOST13317- 89 are used as connectors. A schematic
diagram and a brief description of the design are given. The following main parameters have been
achieved: losses do not exceed 1.23 dB in the operating frequency range from 1 to 4 GHz, theoutput signal power at a high input power level (f = 1 GHz; Rvh = 25 dBm) does not exceed
12 dBm. The protective device is recommended to be used in the input circuits of communication
receivers, navigation, radar and electronic warfare.


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