The article presents an electrodynamic model of the atmospheric surface layer caused by
the action of the electrode effect near the earth's surface, and an analysis of its equations by methods
of similarity theory. Mathematical models of the surface layer electrical state in the approximations
of the classical and turbulent electrode effect are considered separately. In the mathematical
formulation of modeling problems, a number of well-founded physical assumptions were created
that made it possible to obtain analytical solutions to the equations. Analytical formulas have
been obtained for calculating the profiles of aeroion concentrations, the density of the space electric
charge and the electric field in the electrode layer. As a result of mathematical modeling, the
dependences of the electrical characteristics distribution in the surface layer on the values of the
electric field, the degree of air ionization and aerosol pollution of the atmosphere are investigated.
It is shown that the ratio of the electric field values on the earth's surface and at the upper boundary
of the electrode layer is almost constant. The increasing of the electric field, the rate of air
ionization and the presence of sufficient concentration aerosol particles leads to a decrease in the
thickness of the electrode layer and, as a consequence, the scale of distribution of its parameters.
An amplification in the degree of ionization increases, and an increase in the concentration of
aerosol particles in the atmosphere decreases the values of the electric charge density in the surface
layer. Theoretical calculations are in good agreement with experimental data and the results
of numerical modeling of the surface layer electrical structure. The analytical formulas obtained
in the work for calculating the electrical characteristics of the surface layer and the results of
calculations can be useful in solving a number of applied problems of geophysics, in particular for
monitoring the electrical state of the atmosphere.
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