• L.A. Martynova State Research Center of the Russian Federation – Concern CSRI Elektropribor
Keywords: Autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle of high autonomy, hybrid power supply system, electrochemical generator, mathematical model, numerical experiment


The hybrid power supply system functioning in a perspective autonomous underwater ve-hicle of high autonomy is considered. A distinctive feature of the device is the use of a hybrid pow-er supply system, which includes a lithium-ion battery and one or more electrochemical genera-tors. The hybrid power supply system allows the device to carry out alternate movement in different speed modes, using one or the other energy source. However, the use of a rechargeable battery requires its full charge to ensure movement in high-speed mode for the entire specified period of time, which is not always possible due to the limited transition period between speed modes. The aim of the work was to develop a mathematical model of the hybrid energy supply system function-ing and identify the features of the energy supply system during the transition from movement in economy mode to movement in high-speed mode during the entire specified period of time. The objectives of the study were the following: development of mathematical models for the operation of dissimilar energy sources of the energy supply system; development of algorithms for the joint operation of dissimilar energy sources of the energy supply system based on the functioning model of the hybrid energy supply system; development of algorithms for the operation of the power supply system of the apparatus; development of software implementation of algorithms for the operation of the energy supply system; carrying out numerical experiments aimed at the study of transients. The results of the hybrid power supply system simulation allowed us to obtain depend-encies that allow us to predict the time of the vehicle movement in high-speed. The results of the conducted numerical experiments allowed us to estimate the permissible ranges of the parameters of the sources of electric power of the energy supply system, the time of transient processes and the associated limitations. The mathematical model of the functioning of the hybrid energy supply system can be used in the subsequent stages of developing the energy supply system by scaling the mathematical model and more detailed reproducible processes. The developed user-friendly interface of the software implementation of the mathematical model of the functioning of the hybrid power supply system can subsequently be taken as the basis for developing software for the opera-tor’s automated workplace for imitation, bench, semi-natural and field tests.


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