• S.М. Gushanskiy Southern Federal University
  • V.S. Potapov Southern Federal University
  • V.I. Bozhich Rostov State Economic University
Keywords: Modeling, quantum algorithm, qubit, model of a quantum computer, entanglement, superposition, quantum operator


Quantum error correction (QEC) is required in quantum computers to mitigate the impact of errors
on physical qubits. The goal is to optimize the neural network for high decoding performance while
maintaining a minimalistic hardware implementation. The errors associated with decoherence can be
reduced by adopting QEC schemes that encode multiple imperfect physical qubits into a logical quantum
state, similar to classical error correction. The relevance of these studies lies in the mathematical
and software modeling and implementation of corrective codes to correct several types of quantum
errors in the development and implementation of quantum algorithms for solving classes of problems of
a classical nature. The scientific novelty of this direction is expressed in the elimination of one of the
shortcomings of the quantum computing process. The development of the theory and principles for constructing
modeling systems that are resistant to external interference (dependence of data distortion on
noise, dependence of the error of a quantum computing process on the measure and purity of entanglement)
for modeling quantum computing is a dynamic area, as evidenced by a large number of existing
models reflecting certain quantum computational processes and phenomena (quantum teleportation,
parallelism, entanglement of quantum states) and scientific papers. Although quantum computing is not
yet ready to move from theory to practice, it is nevertheless possible to reasonably guess what form a
quantum computer might take, or, more importantly for programming language design, what interface it
would be possible to interact with such a quantum computer. It is natural to apply the lessons learned
from the programming of classical computing to quantum computing. The analysis of works in this area
showed that a new qualitative level has now been reached, which opens up promising opportunities for
the implementation of multi-qubit quantum computing. Prospects for implementation and development
are associated not only with technological capabilities, but also with the solution of issues of building
effective quantum systems for solving actual mathematical problems, cryptography problems and control
(optimization) problems.


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