• М.S. Anferova Moscow Aviation Institute
  • А.М. Belevtsev Moscow Aviation Institute
Keywords: Technological trends, monitoring, search robot, artificial intelligence, Big Data, algorithm, text recognition, clustering


The paper considers the problems of strategic analysis and the choice of directions for the development
of innovative enterprises in the conditions of transition to the 6th technological order and industry
4.0. The main levels of analysis are determined. The objectives of the strategic analysis are outlined
based on the scale of the research being conducted. The analysis tasks are highlighted, the solution of
which will allow achieving the set goals. The complexity of solving global monitoring tasks, which are
caused by a large volume of heterogeneous and unstructured information, is shown. In these conditions,
thematic search and analytical processing of information cannot be performed without the use of automated information and analytical systems and the creation of search services based on artificial intelligence.
A general monitoring procedure is proposed. The main stages of monitoring technological trends
are defined, the tasks to be solved within a specific stage and the planned result are shown. Based on the
general monitoring procedure, the main priority functions that the developed services should have are
determined. As well as the problems of their development and structuring of the received information in
the form of information objects and clustering of documents. In contrast to the well-known global monitoring
systems, in which the search is based on indicators: an increase in the use of keywords, an increase
in the number of new authors, quoting works from related fields. Algorithms are proposed that
provide the definition of reference topics, assessment of ranking and relevance of information. The description
of the algorithms is given on the example of creating a summary information table, with the
help of which the interrelationships of documents of scientific and technological development in each
direction of monitoring and the search for specific documents in the database are formed. The construction
of search services based on the presented algorithms will ensure the allocation of reference topics
of documents, provide more reliable results of clustering of unstructured information and the formation
of scientific and technological trends in information and analytical complexes. To implement the algorithm,
it is proposed to use the Python programming language. The implementation of these algorithms
will improve the quality and efficiency of information retrieval in conditions of a large volume of unstructured


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