• Y.A. Zargaryan Southern Federal University
  • V.I. Koshensky Southern Federal University
  • К.О. Kirsanov Southern Federal University
  • М. S. Presnyakov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Movement control, ESP32 microcontroller, BLE, Fingerprint algorithm, identification, proximity control, collection and storage of statistics


Tracking the location of a person in a big country, a big city, and even an area has long
been a reality. Thanks to satellites, it became possible to know exactly where a person is. However,
such technologies are more intended for positioning in open areas, and their signal is not able
to overcome large reinforced concrete structures, as well as walls and ceilings in a building.
This article proposes a solution to this problem, considers the system for controlling the movement
of people in the premises. Such a system not only determines the position where a person is located,
with an accuracy of half a meter, but also creates a database that displays the date, time and
place of a person’s discovery, as well as his identification, indicating who exactly was discovered.
The system described in this article is very easy to understand and has a low cost. It works with
the ESP32 microcontroller and is based on Bluetooth Low Energy wireless data transfer technology.
The ESP32 microcontroller acts as a signal scanner with the RSSI parameter. The received
data, namely RSSI and a unique identifier, which is aimed at determining the identity of a person,
are sent to the ThingSpeak server, where the distance to the source, which is the smartphone, is
calculated, determining its location and recording movement. This uses methods to improve accuracy,
such as the Fingerprint algorithm. In the entire room at the installation stage of the system,
"fingerprints" are collected within the controlled area, reference RSSI values are determined at
such control points, and it is on their basis that a person's location is determined. Also, this material
discusses the solution of the problem of identifying and controlling the approach of people to
a protected object and the organization of a system for collecting and storing statistics on visiting
a controlled object.


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