• V.V. Kostenko Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science
  • A.Y. Tolstonogov Institute of Marine Technology Problems, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Science
Keywords: Autonomous underwater vehicle, propulsion system, control actions, control allocation, motion control


The purpose of the study is to improve the accuracy of the trajectory motion of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) due to using of control algorithms taking into account dependence propulsion system parameters from vehicle velocity. The problem statement of control allocation actions between thrusters with a low sensitivity to changes in their static parameters in a wide speed range is given. A method for estimating the dependence between AUV velocity thrust of propulsion system, based on the results of hydrodynamic simulation of the propeller and the load tests of the motor is proposed. The dependence of maximum thrust of the thruster from AUV ve-locity by adjusting motor torque for the entire velocity range of the AUV is determined. The algo-rithm for calculating the static propulsion characteristic is proposed. The algorithms based on the scaling of result of the bollard pull test accordance with the change of maximum mooring stop at the known velocity. The algorithm for thrust allocation is developed. The algorithm ensures accurate and independent thrust of each thruster in the entire range of AUV velocity. The obtained results would allow the actual problem of adaptive redistribution of the trust by varying the limits depends with ranking of motion controller and target value to be solved. Thus, the maximum efficiency of the propulsion system and accuracy of the trajectory motion can be ensured.


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