The work is devoted to the analysis of mechanisms of formation of recommendations and
evaluation of the user's reaction to them in the interactive mode of work with the geoinformation
system. One of the important areas of application of recommender systems is the search and decision-
making in spatial situations. A peculiarity of this class of problems is the uncertainty of taskdefinition and ambiguity of decision evaluation. Users are often faced with problems that do not
have a clear formulation. To try to solve them, it is necessary not only to designate the direction of
solution search, but also to find an adequate sequence of tasks with clearly formulated input and
output data. Recommendations in such cases are designed in a dialogue with the user-analyst to
develop a strategy for finding solutions. In this paper we study a smart recommendation system
using the experience of dialog interaction. We propose a model of adaptation to the mental image
of the problem, which builds the user, taking into account the levels of situational awareness and
cognitive load. The peculiarity of the model is the use of visual cartographic objects, which are
indicators of the state of the mental image. A recommendation is represented by a set of objects
that are introduced into the field of cartographic analysis. This implicitly induces a certain semantic
direction of increasing situational awareness. A criterion of satisfaction with the recommendation
is suggested. A diagram of recommender system states, which describes the selection of context,
adequate to the problem being solved, is given. The context is understood as an information
object, capable of providing program functions and data for solving problems of a limited class.
A sequence of contexts in an analysis session is considered as a precedent of experience. Indicators
of trend, tendency and rhythm are proposed for possible chains of contexts. The degree of
semantic proximity of precedents to the current course of search for a solution is estimated by
these indicators. Their use will increase the speed of adaptation.
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