• Т. А. Kramarenko Kuban State Agrarian University I.T. Trubilina
  • E. V. Feshina Kuban State Agrarian University I.T. Trubilina
  • T. V. Lukyanenko Kuban State Agrarian University I.T. Trubilina
Keywords: Mobile applications, information systems, Android, algorithm, machine learning, development methods, cross-platform development


The article presents the development results of a module for the retail network mobile application
modernization. A feature of the presented mobile application module is the display of personalized
messages with advertising and promotions of the retail network. A mathematical model
of machine learning is used to collect and analyze data in a mobile application. The process ofchoosing a mathematical model, the operation algorithm and the model training stages on training
data are described in detail. The quality of the classifier's work was evaluated on a test and training
sample. Test sample objects classification and the real value of the class comparison with the resulting
classification were performed. The authors in the article presented the main stages of the algorithms
development for processing statistical data from customer receipts. The program codes for the
receipt analysis module implementation and display the mobile application personalized advertising
are presented. To implement the database as a tool, the authors used the relational data management
system MS SQL Server. The modules of the mobile application are developed in the Android Studio
environment for the Android operating system family. The authors presented the algorithm main
stages and testing the implemented modules operability in the paper. Based on the data on purchases
made by the buyer, information about preferred products is collected based on the fixation of product
groups and product items from the receipt. The loyalty card of the retail network is linked to the mobile
application, and receipts for purchases are linked to loyalty cards, in turn. Previously, the application
displayed ads for all products participating in promotions. The actual task is to display personalized
advertising, which has proven its effectiveness. The mobile application is distributed for
free through the Play Market and is designed for smartphones running the Android OS line.
The purpose of the development is to display in the application on the buyer's device first advertising
frequently purchased goods, and then the rest of the promotional goods. The mobile application has
passed load testing in real use by customers conditions of the retail network.


1. Tankayan A.I., Luk'yanenko T.V., Kramarenko T.A. Informatsionnyy marketing v internete kak
sredstvo dopolnitel'nogo kanala prodvizheniya [Information marketing on the Internet as a
means of an additional promotion channel], Ekonomika ustoychivogo razvitiya [Economics of
sustainable development], 2018, No. 2 (34), pp. 338-343.
2. Luk'yanenko T.V., Ovcharov A.P., Labintseva V.R. Osobennosti ispol'zovaniya ORM-sredstva
Entity Framework dlya razrabotki programmnykh prilozheniy, orientirovannykh na dannye
[Features of using the Entity Framework ORM tool for developing data-oriented software applications],
Tsifrovizatsiya ekonomiki: napravleniya, metody, instrumenty: Sb. materialov III
vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Digitalization of the economy: directions,
methods, tools: Collection of materials of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference].
Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2021, pp. 322-325.
3. Luk'yanenko T.V., Germoniy E.V., Loyko V.I. Formirovanie portreta klienta na osnove
statisticheskikh dannykh [Formation of a client's portrait based on statistical data],
Tsifrovizatsiya ekonomiki: napravleniya, metody, instrumenty: Sb. materialov II vserossiyskoy
studencheskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Digitalization of the economy: directions,
methods, tools: Collection of materials of the II All-Russian Student Scientific and Practical
Conference]. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2020, pp. 34-35.
4. Luk'yanenko T.V., Labintseva V.R., Ovcharov A.P. Rol' testirovaniya v razrabotke
programmnogo obespecheniya [The role of testing in software development], Tsifrovizatsiya
ekonomiki: napravleniya, metody, instrumenty: Sb. materialov II vserossiyskoy studencheskoy
nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Digitalization of the economy: directions, methods, tools:
Collection of materials of the II All-Russian Student Scientific and Practical Conference].
Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2019, pp. 398-401.
5. Ivanova E.A., Kramarenko T.A. Krossplatformennye prilozheniya: ucheb. posobie [Crossplatform
applications: textbook]. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2020, 165 p.
6. Kopan' A.O., Kramarenko T.A. Sravnitel'naya kharakteristika nativnykh, veb i gibridnykh
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Informatsionnoe obshchestvo: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya: Sb.
materialov XI studencheskogo Mezhdunarodnogo foruma [Information society: current state
and development prospects: Collection of materials of the XI Student International Forum].
Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2018, pp. 159-161.
7. Omel'chenko D.A., Men'shikov V.E., Feshina E.V. Tendentsii razrabotki mobil'nykh prilozheniy
[Mobile application development trends], Informatsionnoe obshchestvo: sovremennoe
sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya: Sb. materialov XII mezhdunarodnogo studencheskogo
foruma [Information society: current state and development prospects: Collection of materials
of the XII International Student Forum]. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2019, pp. 350-352.
8. Filonenko M.V., Kramarenko T.A. Osobennosti ispol'zovaniya sredy Eclipse IDE dlya
razrabotki mobil'nykh prilozheniy [Features of using the Eclipse IDE for developing mobile
applications], Informatsionnoe obshchestvo: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya:
Sb. materialov XI studencheskogo Mezhdunarodnogo foruma [Information society: current
state and development prospects: Collection of materials of the XI Student International Forum].
Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2018, pp. 351-354.
9. Zubko A.A., Kramarenko T.A. Razrabotka krossplatformennykh prilozheniy na freymvroke QT
[Development of cross-platform applications on the QT framework], Informatsionnoe
obshchestvo: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya: Sb. materialov XI
studencheskogo Mezhdunarodnogo foruma [Information society: current state and development
prospects: Collection of materials of the XI Student International Forum]. Krasnodar:
KubGAU, 2018, pp. 328-330.
10. Grummet V.A., Lisovin O.A., Feshina E.V., Kushtanok S.A. Sposoby zashchity mobil'nogo
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scientific and practical conference (Yablonovsky township, September 25, 2020). Krasnodar:
Krasnodarskiy TSNTI – filial FGBU «REA» Minenergo Rossii, 2020, pp. 53-57.
11. Feshina E.V., Luk'yanenko T.V. Primenenie tekhnologii neyronnykh setey i BIK-spektroskopii
dlya opredeleniya kolichestva veshchestva v proizvodimoy predpriyatiem produktsii:
monografiya [Application of technology of neural networks and NIR spectroscopy to determine
the amount of a substance in the products manufactured by an enterprise: monograph].
Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2021, 174 p.
12. Luk'yanenko T.V., SHirokova A.A. K voprosu o sovmestnom ispol'zovanii tekhnologiy oblachnykh
vychisleniy i bol'shikh dannykh [On the question of the joint use of cloud computing technologies
and big data], Intellektual'nye informatsionnye sistemy: Tr. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy
konferentsii [Intelligent Information systems: Proceedings of the International Scientific
and Practical Conference]. In 2 part. Voronezh: VTGU, 2018, pp. 155-157.
13. Motylets A.A., Feshina E.V. Metody realizatsii veb-sayta v vide mobil'nogo prilozheniya [Implementing
methods of a website in the mobile application form], Nauka XXI veka: problemy,
perspektivy i aktual'nye voprosy razvitiya obshchestva: Mater. mezhdunarodnoy
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development: Materials international. interuniversity autumn scientific and practical conference,
(Yablonovsky township, September 25, 2020)]. Krasnodar: Krasnodarskiy TSNTI – filial
FGBU «REA» Minenergo Rossii, 2020, 333 p.
14. Filipenko S.S., Luk'yanenko T.V. Vybor effektivnogo sposoba vnedreniya Web-sayta v
informatsionnoe mobil'noe prostranstvo [Choosing an effective way to introduce a Web site into
the information mobile space], Nauchnoe obespechenie agropromyshlennogo kompleksa:
Sb. statey po materialam 73-y nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov po itogam NIR za
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based on the materials of the 73rd scientific and practical conference of students
based on the results of research for 2017]. Rel. for the issue of A.G. Koshchaev. Krasnodar:
KubGAU, 2018, pp. 604-607.
15. Luk'yanenko T.V., Kopan' A.O. Mnogosloynye i mnogourovnevye sistemy khraneniya dannykh
[Multilayer and multilevel data storage systems], Intellektual'nye informatsionnye sistemy: Tr.
Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Intelligent information systems:
Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference]. In 2 part. Voronezh:
VTGU, 2018, pp. 75-78.
16. Luk'yanenko T.V., Ostritsova V.A. Optimizatsiya indeksov ili kak povysit' skorost' vypolneniya
zaprosov v usloviyakh ogranichennosti resursov [Index optimization or how to increase the
speed of query execution in conditions of limited resources], Intellektual'nye informatsionnye
sistemy: Tr. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Intelligent Information
systems: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference]. In 2
part. Voronezh: VTGU, 2018, pp. 108-112.
17. Luk'yanenko T.V., Solomko D.S. Tendentsii v ispol'zovanii razlichnykh SUBD pri razrabotke
mashinnogo obucheniya [Trends in the use of various DBMS in the development of machine
learning], Nauchnoe obespechenie agropromyshlennogo kompleksa: Sb. statey po materialam
76-y nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov po itogam NIR za 2020 god [Scientific
support of the agro-industrial complex: Collection of articles based on the materials of the 76th
scientific and practical conference of students based on the results of research for 2020]. In
3 part. Ed. for the issue of A.G. Koshchaev. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2021, pp. 763-766.
18. Kramarenko T.A., Luk'yanenko T.V. Metodiki i modeli proektirovaniya i razrabotki
informatsionnykh sistem: monografiya [Methods and models of design and development of information
systems: monograph]. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2018, 175 p.
19. Zuev A.V., Kramarenko T.A. K voprosu vybora integrirovannoy sredy razrabotki vebprilozheniy
[To the question of choosing an integrated development environment for a web
application], Nauchnoe obespechenie agropromyshlennogo kompleksa: Sb. statey po
materialam KhI Vserossiyskoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh, posvyashchennoy 95-letiyu
Kubanskogo GAU i 80-letiyu so dnya obrazovaniya Krasnodarskogo kraya [Scientific support
of the agro-industrial complex: collection of articles based on the materials of the ХI All-
Russian Conference of Young Scientists, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Kuban State
Agrarian University and the 80th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory]. Ed.
for the issue A.G. Koshchaev. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2017, pp. 239-240.
20. Shcherbin M.M., Vorozheykin D.S., Kramarenko T.A. Obzor etapov zhiznennogo tsikla
mobil'nogo prilozheniya [An overview of the stages of the mobile application life cycle],
Intellektual'nye informatsionnye sistemy: Tr. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy
konferentsii [Intelligent information systems: coll. Proceedings of the International Scientific
and Practical Conference]. In 2 part. Voronezh: VGTU, 2018, pp. 180-183.