This article describes the information and software for the implementation of various methods
for verifying the state of fragments of biological objects using computed tomographic images by the
decision support subsystem for the diagnosis of diseases. It is pointed out the current state of development
of medical diagnostic equipment, the equipment of which medical institutions of the country
and its non-operational accessibility to the population contributed to and led to the emergence and
active development of new directions in the field of radiation diagnostics, which include: digital and
film radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. The article focuses on the
analysis of X-ray images, decision-making based on the analysis of these images, diagnosis based on
the decisions made. The advantages and disadvantages of radiography as a modern diagnostic method
are analyzed relative to their analogues. An important task in the analysis of radiographic images
of medical biological objects and their fragments is to solve the problem of image quality improvement.
In order to improve the quality of X-ray images and increase their informativeness, an algorithm
has been developed and the software of the software subsystem of the medical automated information
system for their correction and analysis has been implemented. The article discusses the
implementation of solving problems of diagnosis of diseases, such as: analysis of radiographic images,
decision-making based on the analysis of these images, diagnosis based on the decisions made by
developing and applying software and information support for the implementation of methods for
verifying the state of fragments of biological objects as effective methods for diagnosing the state of
paranasal sinuses by their radiographic and computed tomographic images. The main methods underlying
verification by X-ray and computed tomography images are described. A detailed analysis
of the implementation of mathematical models of diagnostic methods in the form of algorithms implemented
by software for the functioning of the decision support subsystem of a medical automated
information system is given. Examples of practical implementation of software and information support
for verification methods of medical objects in the form of screen forms for working with fragments
of the object under study and the results of the analysis of radiographic images are shown.
This makes it possible to increase the efficiency, accuracy of verification of the state of medical biological
objects, the reliability of the disease diagnosis process. The scientific novelty, the results of
the approbation of the material presented in the article at international, All-Russian conferences,
scientific journals are shown.
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(FREME’2014) [Proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Technical Conference
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10. Proskuryakov A.V., Samoylenko A.P. Podsistema matematicheskogo i programmnogo
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control systems and controllers], 2015, No. 1, pp. 34-43. ISSN 1561-1531.
11. Proskuryakov A.V., Smerechinskiy D.V. Informatsionnoe obespechenie integrirovannoy
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12. Proskuryakov A.V. Realizatsiya sposobov diagnostiki zabolevaniy v meditsinskoy
avtomatizirovannoy informatsionnoy sisteme podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy [Implementation
of methods for diagnosing diseases in a medical automated information system for decision
support], Sb. trudov XII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fizika i
radioelektronika v meditsine i ekologii» (FREME’2016) [Proceedings of the XII International
Scientific and Technical Conference "Physics and Radio Electronics in Medicine and Ecology"
(FREME'2016)]. Vladimir, Suzdal', 2016, pp. 303-307.
13. Tarasov N.V., Proskuryakov A.V. Realizatsiya algoritma informatsionno-entropiynogo analiza
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Mater. IV Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye
aspekty komp'yuternykh tekhnologiy i informatsionnoy bezopasnosti» (FPAKTIB’2018) [Materials
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Don: Izd-vo YuFU, 2018, pp. 461-465.
14. Proskuryakov A.V, Samoylenko A.P. Formirovanie statisticheskogo obraza dlya
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image for recognition of the state of the reparative process of bone tissues], Sb. trudov XIII
Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fizika i radioelektronika v meditsine i
ekologii» (FREME’2018) [Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference
"Physics and Radioelectronics in Medicine and Ecology" (FRAME'2018)]. Vladimir,
Suzdal', 2018. pp. 205-209.
15. Proskuryakov A.V, Samoylenko A.P. Metodologiya verifikatsii sostoyaniya fragmentov
biologicheskikh ob"ektov po komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim izobrazheniyam [Methodology
of verification of the state of fragments of biological objects using computed tomographic images],
Sb. trudov XIII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fizika i
radioelektronika v meditsine i ekologii» (FREME’2018) [Proceedings of the XIII International
Scientific and Technical Conference "Physics and Radio Electronics in Medicine and Ecology"
(FREME'2018)]. Vladimir, Suzdal', 2018, pp. 209-212.
16. Proskuryakov A.V, Samoylenko A.P. Metod postroeniya statisticheskikh portretov pri
realizatsii bezetalonnogo sposoba obrabotki i analiza meditsinskikh rentgenograficheskikh i
tomograficheskikh snimkov [The method of constructing statistical portraits when implementing
a non-etalon method of processing and analyzing medical X-ray and tomographic images],
Sb. materialov XVI Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodykh
uchenykh «Informatsionnye tekhnologii, sistemnyy analiz i upravlenie» (ITSAiU-2018) [Collection
of materials of the XVI All-Russian Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates
and young scientists "Information technologies, system analysis and management" (ITSAIU-
2018)]. Rostov, Taganrog, 2018, pp. 207-213.
17. Proskuryakov A.V. Realizatsiya bezetalonnogo sposoba obrabotki meditsinskikh
rentgenograficheskikh i tomograficheskikh snimkov dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniy [Implementation
of a non-etalon method of processing medical radiographic and tomographic images for
the diagnosis of diseases] Mater. Vserossiyskoy nauchnotekhnicheskoy konferentsii s
mezhdunarodnym uchastiem imeni professora O.N. P'yavchenko «KomTekh-2019» [Materials
of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with international participation named
after Professor O.N. Piavchenko "kOmtEch-2019"]. Rostov, Taganrog, 2019, pp. 156 -164.
18. Proskuryakov A.V. Verifikatsiya sostoyaniya fragmentov biologicheskikh ob"ektov po
kom'yuterno-tomograficheskim izobrazheniyam [Verification of the state of fragments of biological
objects by computer tomographic images], Mater. Vserossiyskoy
nauchnotekhnicheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem imeni professora O.N.
P'yavchenko «KomTekh-2019» [Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference
with international participation named after Professor O.N. Piavchenko "kOmtEch-
2019"]. Rostov, Taganrog, 2019, pp. 169-175.
19. Proskuryakov A.V. Sintez informatsionnoy sistemy verifikatsii fragmentov meditsinskikh
biologicheskikh ob"ektov dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniy na baze metodov sistemnokontseptual'nogo
podkhoda [Synthesis of an information system for verifying fragments of
medical biological objects for the diagnosis of diseases based on methods of a systemconceptual
approach], Sb. materialov XVII Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii studentov,
aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh «Informatsionnye tekhnologii, sistemnyy analiz i upravlenie»
(ITSAiU-2019) [Collection of materials of the XVII All-Russian Scientific Conference of Students,
postgraduates and young scientists "Information technologies, system analysis and management"
(ITSAIU-2019)]. Rostov, Taganrog, 2019, pp. 207-213.
20. ProskuryakovA.V. Meditsinskaya avtomatizirovannaya informatsionnaya sistema podderzhki
prinyatiya resheniya dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniy s ispol'zovaniem verifikatsii sostoyaniya
fragmentov mediko-biologicheskikh ob"ektov po komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim
izobrazheniyam [Medical automated information system for decision-making support for the
diagnosis of diseases using verification of the state of fragments of biomedical objects using
computed tomographic images], Informatizatsiya i svyaz' [Informatization and communication],
2020, No. 3, pp. 55-60.