The decision algorithm is the preferred filtering algorithm in data mining technology, and
its results are usually chosen in the form of "if-then" rules. Algorithm C4.5 is one of the decision
algorithms that takes advantage of the ease of understanding and increasing importance, and also
takes advantage of the advanced information rate gain of its advanced ID3 algorithm. After the
theoretical analysis of the information, the algorithm C4.5 is selected to analyze the results of
performance appraisal, and enterprise performance appraisal decisions by collecting data, preprocessing
data, calculating information gain and determining selection parameters. The system isdeveloped in B/S architecture, an R&D project management platform that can perform evaluation
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of various sizes, building management. decision decision algorithm as the core technology,
the system acquires scientific significant project management information with high data accuracy,
and realizes visualization, which can help the enterprise to have a good management system in
large areas. Task management, reporting, audit control, information visualization and other functions
of the system's management reporting management functions are included.
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