• Rasim Nasib oglu Nabiyev National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan
  • Gadir Isahan oglu Garaev National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan
  • Ruslan Rustam oglu Rustamov National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan
Keywords: Civil aviation, aviation security, security-warning system, differential capacitance sensor, autogenerator, logic element, sensitive element, telephone field cable


The article describes the structure, design, installation, functionality, technical parameters
of a capacitive device used in security and warning systems for the perimeters of objects, as well
as a circuit of a patented differential-capacitive sensor with two autogenerators, which is part of
the device, the probability of detecting unauthorized intrusions is calculated and estimated using
the device. The operation of the capacitive sensor is found in the transformations of the change in
the capacitance of two sensitive elements relative to the Earth, the possibility of a protective fence,
the change in frequency using autogenerators when approaching or touching them on external
faces, and the principle of operation of the capacitive device is based on detecting detection when
the frequency difference of the autogenerators exceeds the set limit value. The advantage of
autogenerators circuits built on logic elements in a differential capacitive sensor is shown, to the
inputs of which sensitive elements are connected, one of which is used as a signal, and the other as
a reference generator. It is shown that when RLC-elements with lumped parameters and quartz
resonators are not used as frequency counters, the circuits of self-oscillators built on digital
microcircuits according to the same scheme and their adaptation to changes in the external
environment are greatly simplified. happens automatically. To transfer the high frequency signals
of the generators to the laptop, first these signals are converted into low frequency signals throughfrequency dividers, which are in the frequency counters, then these low frequency signals are
converted into digital signals using the Arduino Uno module. The software written on the laptop
calculates the frequency difference and generates an alarm at a certain value of the difference.
According to the calculations, a rather high probability of detecting unauthorized intrusions on
objects and the efficiency of using a security warning device with a differential capacitive sensor
based on two self-oscillators in the aviation security system were noted.


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