Autogenerators have found wide application in the receiving and transmitting equipment of
communication, navigation and radar, as they determine their stability, power and other important
parameters. The object of research in this work is a 1.5 GHz heterodyne from the C4-60 spectrum
analyzer. Since the technical description of this device does not contain a number of important
parameters, the purpose of the study is to study the frequency run-out, the frequency dependence
on the supply voltage, the harmonic level. A schematic diagram and a brief description of the generator
design are given. The simulation of a coaxial resonator in the Microwave Office package is
carried out. The amplitude-frequency characteristic of the resonator is given. The results of an
experimental study of a 1.5 GHz autogenerator are presented. The estimation of parasitic parameters
in the spectrum of the output signal is given. The frequency run-out and modulation characteristic
along the power supply circuit were measured. These data allow us to make a reasonable
requirement for the stability of the supply voltage. The results obtained can be used in the design
of receiving and transmitting communication equipment, navigation, electronic warfare. The article
may be useful for students and teachers of educational institutions in the educational design ofreceiving and transmitting equipment. The following electrical parameters have been achieved:
– operating frequency 1500 ±1.5 MHz; – output power of at least 13 dBm; – supply voltage minus
12.6 V; – consumption current no more than 60 mA; – frequency run-out in 24 minutes after
switching on no more than 325 kHz; – frequency departure when the voltage changes from minus
5 V to minus 13 V no more than 241 kHz.
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