• А. V. Bozhenyuk Southern Federal University
  • О. V. Kosenko Southern Federal University
  • М.V. Knyazeva Southern Federal University
Keywords: Production problem, assignment task, optimization, fuzzy parameters, maximin convolution, fuzzy relation


This article considers the problem of operational planning of one-subject production.
The organization of machine-building production is a complex set of works to determine the interrelated
indicators that characterize the activities of the enterprise. Enterprises of this type have a
complex hierarchical structure. It is also necessary to take into account that when planning the
production process, the number of parameters is large and not all of them can be accurately determined,
which affects the efficiency of the enterprise. To solve the problem of effective planning,
the optimality criteria for serial one-subject production were analyzed. One-subject production
includes those where parts of the same name are processed, that is, a production line is formed.
Consequently, the task of optimizing production is to distribute the entire set of work between the
machines and operators servicing this machine in such a way that the planned task is completed
within a given time and the total cost of completing the task is minimal. The article considers the
problem of assignment under uncertainty, carried out experimental calculations and analyzed the
results obtained, which justifies the use of the proposed apparatus of fuzzy sets for solving the
problem of production planning. It is concluded that under conditions of uncertainty, when there is
no exact or statistical information, the apparatus of fuzzy sets makes it possible to analyze theeffectiveness of production activities when setting parameters that reflect the possible values of the
system. In such cases, the use of fuzzy logic mechanisms in the problems of making production
decisions will make it possible to determine optimal or close to optimal solutions.


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