The paper has devoted to the research and automation of mathematical modeling of the process
of heating the elements of the thin-walled aluminum waveguide path when working out the
induction soldering technological procedure. The paper has reviewed the method of mathematical
modeling of the induction soldering technological process. In order to develop the technological
process of induction soldering, an instant source of a flat rod heating is used as a mathematical
model of waveguide path heating. As part of this work, a functional automated subsystem of mathematical
modeling of the induction soldering technological process of thin-walled metal waveguides
of cosmic aircraft was designed and implemented. The functionality of the application allows
you to make an automated construction of the mathematical model of the induction soldering
technological process with specified parameters, performing calculations of the temperature values
of the part-components participating in the process of the induction soldering, depending on
the specified sizes, structural-physical and thermodynamic characteristics, the power of the inductor
and the position of the flange/couplings relative to the inductor. The obtained software product
is an optimal solution for integration with the system that produces the process of controlling the
induction soldering of the waveguide paths of spacecraft as a generator of mathematical models of
the induction soldering process for machine learning. Comparative researches of the induction
soldering models have carried out, which builds the mathematical module of the program for their
compliance with the real process in permissible limits. Experiments have conducted on a software
system for controlling the induction soldering process of the waveguide paths, including an induction
heating generator, an inductor, a manipulator, an IPPC-9171G-07BTO industrial computer
with a control console. An experimental verification of the correctness of the selected mathematical
model of the induction soldering technological process and the correctness of its implementation
in the developed software application has performed. The MSE values of the results of modeling
and real technological processes of induction soldering have calculated. As a result of attentive
and model experiments, it has established that the application of the induction heating of the
elements of thin-walled aluminum waveguide paths of cosmic aircraft with a sufficiently high accuracy
simulates this technological process.
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