• D.L. Shishkov MIPT
  • М.N. Zaripov MIPT
  • R.А. Gorbachev MIPT
Keywords: Computer vision system, neural networks, Lucas–Canada method, depth map, photogrammetry


Currently, the improvement of the quality of transport and logistics services provided is directly
related to the introduction of new and modernization of existing technologies of
informatization and digitalization. One of the most urgent tasks solved by the introduction of digital
technologies into existing technological processes is to improve the safety of train traffic.
The analysis of domestic and foreign works devoted to the development of train safety improvement
systems has shown that one of the methods of solving the task is the development and implementation
of vision systems for detecting infrastructure objects and obstacles in the course of train
movement. This is especially true when train speeds increase when it is difficult for the driver to
correctly assess the current situation and make an operational decision. This paper describes the
implementation of a vision system for unmanned trains. Within its framework, a new approach to
the training of a highly specialized mask neural network was implemented. The main task of this
system is to recognize obstacles and human figures against the background of the railway infrastructure
determine their location relative to the tracks and assess this situation from the point of
view of traffic safety. To obtain a higher-quality mask, the approach of simultaneous use of images
of standard CVS cameras and cameras with the higher resolution was used. This method is able toimprove the quality of recognition, especially at large distances, when the object of interest is not
noticeable in the complex environment surrounding it. The work performed has shown good results
in identifying objects on railway tracks. The creation of a prototype of such a system and
equipping it with traction rolling stock will allow for the timely detection of obstacles and people
on the train path, which contributes to improving the level of train safety.


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