• I. А. Shipov JSC “VNII Signal”
Keywords: Processing unit, distributed computing, microprocessor, navigation system, domestic microcontrollers


The aim of the work is to create a productive computing device for a strapdown inertial navigation
system (SINS) of a ground-based robotic complex (RTC) on a domestic element base.
A formal description of the typical sufficient functions performed by SINS is given and the basicprinciples of the algorithms are described from the point of view of the requirements for computing
resources. A description of domestic microcontrollers available on the market and a comparison with
the closest foreign analogue are given. The results of the prototyping carried out showed the fundamental
possibility, but the low prospects of creating computing devices on a single microcontroller.
In this regard, technical proposals were developed and implemented to increase the computing power
by means of building the architecture of a multiprocessor computer. As a result, it was necessary
to develop special approaches to the design of algorithms and software. The organization of distributed
computing is one of the most optimal methods for ensuring the calculation of functioning algorithms.
The introduction of additional microprocessors into the calculator circuit made it possible not
only to increase the computing power, but also to introduce additional interfaces for interaction with
both the consumer and primary information sensors. The proposed variant of the distribution of SINS
operation algorithms made it possible to create a reserve for the development prospects and system
scalability. The most resource-intensive algorithm is the calculation of inertial coordinates, implemented
as an iterative calculation for determining the latitude component of the location. Also, the
performance margin may allow the implementation of additional adaptive algorithms for filtering
and processing data based on the results of testing and operation of a ground moving object.
The choice of on-board exchange interface between controllers is substantiated and its practical
application is described. The creation of a closed loop of information exchange made it possible to
implement additional parallel calculations of secondary information and to calculate an autonomous
reckoning of the object's location coordinates. The described technical solutions can be used in the
design of embedded calculators for objects for various purposes operating on the basis of hard logic.
As the main drawback of the presented approach to designing a calculator, one can designate a limited
functionality when working with ROMs.


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