• V.K Pshikhopov R&D Institute of Robotics and Control Systems
  • M.Y. Medvedev R&D Institute of Robotics and Control Systems
  • V.V. Solovjev R&D Institute of Robotics and Control Systems
Keywords: Movement control, unmanned vessel, homing, terminal control, obstacle avoiding, fuzzy logics, hybrid control system


The aim of the study is elaboration of control algorithms for an unmanned vessel movement in uncertain environments. The mathematical model of the unmanned vessel is based on the equa-tions of motion of a solid body. In the article three modes of movement are considered. The first mode is a terminal movement to a given point. The second mode is homing in a given area of the point. The third mode is obstacle avoiding. It is necessary to ensure smooth transients. Base multi-mode controller is designed by the position-path attitude of a movement control. In this study a novel algorithm of the references calculation is proposed. The algorithm changes the mode in a planning level. The low level single controller is used for the considered modes of a vessel motion. In the mode of terminal control a vessel velocity reference is calculated as function of the distance to the homing point and the given time of movement. A problem of terminal control is solved as a problem of weak terminal control. A weak terminal control problem introduces the error of a vessel homing. This error eliminates a singularity at the homing point. In the homing mode the vessel velocity reference is calculated as function of the distance to the homing point. The vessel velocity reference is the proportional function of the distance to the homing point. In the obstacle avoiding mode the vessel yaw is corrected by additional component. This component is solution of the addi-tional differential equation. The solution is stable if distance from the vessel to the obstacle is more than the safety distance. The solution is unstable if distance from the vessel to the obstacle is less than the safety distance. Composition of the different modes is made by fuzzy logics algo-rithms. Developed fuzzy logics based algorithms smooth the transients, and eliminate the singular-ity at the homing point. Asymptotical stability of the origin of the closed control system is proved. Presented results are demonstrated by simulation. Developed algorithms are implemented in the control system of mini vessel.


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