• А. Y. Barannik Federal State Budgetary Establishment «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency of the EMERCOM of Russia» (Federal Science and High Technologies Center)
  • А.V. Lagutina Federal State Budgetary Establishment «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency of the EMERCOM of Russia» (Federal Science and High Technologies Center)
  • Е. А. Dudorov Federal State Budgetary Establishment «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency of the EMERCOM of Russia» (Federal Science and High Technologies Center)
Keywords: Robotics complex, special equipment, autonomous robotic platform, emergency rescue operations


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of various types of
mounted and removable working equipment of robotic complexes based on autonomous platforms for
emergency rescue operations in the emergency zone. The research carried out within the framework
of the creation of the experimental robotic platform "Marker" allowed us to begin the development of
emergency rescue mobile robotic complexes capable of performing tasks in an emergency zone inautonomous mode. It is proposed, based on the analysis of tasks performed in the emergency zone, as
well as a list of special equipment of machines with weight and size indicators close to those of the
Marker platform, to evaluate the optimal set of mounted and removable working equipment that ensures
the performance of tasks with minimal time costs. During the research, an approach was proposed
that allows solving similar tasks for any robotic platforms, regardless of the base chassis used.
Also, the proposed approach made it possible to determine the main areas of improvement of the
autonomous robotic platform "Marker" in order to ensure the possibility of performing emergency
rescue operations in the emergency zone. These areas include the development of a hydraulic system
that allows you to control mounted and removable equipment, both when performing technological
operations and when moving around the emergency zone, and performing manipulations related to
their replacement, including in automatic mode. As a second direction, the need to refine the design
by strengthening the attachment points of attachments and working equipment, as well as the main
load-bearing elements that will be involved in performing technological operations using a calculated
set of attachments and removable equipment was determined. The authors consider the third direction
to be the need to develop algorithms and software for controlling an autonomous robotic
platform when performing technological operations in an emergency zone, including earthmoving
operations, loading and unloading operations, search and rescue operations, as well as actions related
to monitoring the situation in the area of emergency rescue operations.


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