• D.I. Malyshev Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • L. А. Rybak Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • А.S. Pisarenko Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • V.V. Cherkasov Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
Keywords: Singularities, Gough-Stewart platform, forward kinematics, workspace, inverse kinematics


One of the obligatory requirements for parallel mechanisms design is the exclusion from the
workspace of singularities in which the mechanism loses its controllability and malfunctions may
occur. The analysis of the workspace of the mechanisms of a parallel structure is more complicated
than that for the mechanisms of a serial structure, especially if the mechanism has more than
three degrees of freedom. The article considers the problem of analyzing the influence of singularities
on the solution of the forward kinematics and the geometry of the workspace 3/6 of the
Gough-Stewart platform (commercial name - "Hexapod"). A numerical algorithm for solving the
forward kinematics of platform has been developed. It is based on the direct use of the system of
equations of the platform's kinematic constraints. Approximation of the set of solutions to the system
of equations is based on deterministic methods of global optimization. An analysis of the
change in the number of forward kinematics near the zone of singularities is performed. The analysis
consists of two stages. The first stage consists in solving the forward kinematics for the position
and orientation of the platform, at which singularities arises. The second stage consists in
solving the forward kinematics for the case of a singularity and the case near a singularity.
As a result of solving the forward kinematics, a different number of forward kinematics solutions
for different cases was revealed. An algorithm has been synthesized that makes it possible to determine
a singularity-free workspace free for given ranges of change in the platform orientation
angles specified by Euler angles. An analysis of the dependence of the change in the volume of the
workspace depending on the range of change in the angles of the platform orientation was carried
out. The algorithms are implemented programmatically in the C++ programming language.
The modeling was performed using parallel computing and the implementation of the export of
three-dimensional models of the positions of the platform and workspace to the universal format of
three-dimensional models STL.


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