• I.А. Pshenokova Institute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management, Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • К.C. Bzhikhatlov Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • А. А. Unagasov Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • М.А. Abazokov Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Intellectual agent, multi-agent algorithm, neurocognitive architecture, weather station, intelligent system, smart farming


The weather affects the productivity and condition of crops, the requirements for the quantity
and quality of fertilizers, as well as preventive measures to prevent diseases. Bad weather can
affect the quality of products during transportation and storage, and hence the germination of
seeds and planting material. Various intelligent monitoring systems are now widely used in agriculture,
which include satellite monitoring and weather stations. In this case, the choice of a
method for analyzing the received data and intelligent systems for their processing for predictive
forecasting plays a fundamental role. The purpose of this study is to develop an intellectual system
for predicting the state of the crop based on data from a weather station. A multi-agent algorithm
for predicting the state of crops according to data from a weather station based on the selforganization
of neurocognitive architecture was developed in this study. The description of the
block diagram of the weather station and its sensors is given. A program algorithm has been developed
for collecting and processing data from weather station sensors. As a result of processing,
data on air and soil temperature, air and soil humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation
amount and the sum of active temperatures are sent to the intelligent decision-making system. A
system for constructing cause-and-effect relationships is described. This system can make recommendations
or forecasts on the condition of the crop and on the likelihood of diseases and pests in
controlled crops.


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