• Z.V. Nagoev Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • V. М. Shuganov Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • А.U. Zammoev Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • К. C. Bzhikhatlov Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Z.Z. Ivanov Kabardin-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Agricultural production, digital agricultural production, precision farming, robotization, automation of agricultural production, intelligent integrated system


The production of agricultural goods is currently associated with the use of digital technologies,
elements of precision farming, automation and robotization of agriculture. These technologies
make it possible to carry out continuous monitoring, carry out timely processing, improve the
efficiency of production and use of resources. The need for the integrated use of digital technologies
and artificial intelligence and the creation of intelligent integrated systems for agricultural
production is noted. Studies show that IT-technologies are actively used in field farming when
growing grain crops. The main crop in the production of breeding, seed and commercial grain in
the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is corn, so it is assumed that the intelligent system of the "smart
field" should be developed initially for this particular crop, and then, with some modifications,
used for the production of any crop products – other types of grain, vegetables, fruits, grapes and
gourds. It allows you to reduce human participation at some stages of production by automating
the process and controlling it through various "smart" devices. The operation of the "smart field"
system is based on the use of a variety of sensors, including those installed on mobile equipment
(ground and air manned and unmanned vehicles, space satellites) and portable portable devices to
obtain operational data on the state of fields and crops. This allows: – analyze the readiness of
agricultural land for sowing, monitor the progress of plant vegetation in order to effectively and
efficiently plan agrotechnical measures (chemical protection against pests and diseases, fertilizing,
irrigation, etc.); – predict production efficiency indicators (total gross harvest, yield per hectare), as well as timely identify production risks (appearance of pests, plant diseases, soil salinity,
etc.). – make effective decisions on managing the use of resources of agricultural enterprises. With
the use of "smart" devices, it became possible to introduce the so-called. "precision farming" to
manage crop productivity, taking into account changes in the plant habitat. Ultimately, this makes
it possible to solve two main tasks of agricultural producers - increasing yields and reducing
costs. The authors have developed the concept of an intelligent integrated system "Smart Field" for
the production of corn grain using advanced robotic systems and complexes. The architecture of
the "Smart Field" system for the production of seed and commercial corn is presented, which can
be adapted with minor modifications for the production of other crop products.


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