• S. М. Sokolov KIAM
Keywords: Mobile robotic complexes, information and control systems, increased degree of autonomy, knowledge representation, ontologies, interpretive navigation, information and motor actions


The aspects necessary for the implementation of robotic complexes with an increased degree of
autonomy (RC with IDA) in practical work are considered. The distinctive features of such complexes,
the needs of the corresponding intelligent information control systems (IIСS) are indicated. The requirement
of situational awareness is highlighted and, as a consequence, the need for a diverse system
of knowledge representation, means of perception of the external environment and comparison of operational
information with models and a priori information about this environment. In addition, it is pointed
out the need to automate the processes of creating RC with IDA, accessibility, and simplification of their
use. In order to answer these questions, the paper proposes to use the concept and mechanisms of ontologies
in relation to autonomous robotics. Examples of existing solutions in this area are given. In robotics,
ontologies are used to define and conceptualize knowledge accepted by the community, using a
formal description that is machine-readable, shared, and contains the flexibility to justify this knowledge
in order to derive additional information. Ontologies are of considerable interest for multi-agent systems
for organizing interaction between agents and with other systems in heterogeneous environments,
the possibility of reuse and support for the development of new RCs. The author describes the construction
of an ontology proposed by the author in such an applied field as information support for targeted
movements of autonomous ground vehicles based on technical vision systems. All consideration is conducted
in the configuration space of the information and control systems of the RC with IDA. This space
allows you to aggregate a large number of different technologies used in the construction of RC. The
embodiment of a particular system in this space corresponds to the "assembly point". The coordination
of the forms of knowledge representation in the IICS is ensured by the consistent consideration of planes
in this space. As a connecting link – a means for automated translation of descriptions of descriptive
ontologies into descriptions of functional, machine-readable ontologies, the use of the language of information-
motor actions and interpretive navigation commands is proposed. In conclusion, the shortterm
prospects for the development of the described approach are considered, and wishes are expressed
to the domestic community of roboticists.


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