Based on the study of the experience of the armed conflict in Karabakh, some main trends in
the development of tactics for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been identified
and possible counteraction options have been identified in the interests of increasing the survivability
of tactical units. The analysis of the state of the issue of the development of modern means of
air defense in the tasks of combating UAVs, including low-speed and small-sized, capable of active
maneuvering and used by groups. Contradictions have been revealed in the requirements for the
early development of specialized means (complexes) of countering UAVs and the real, long timefor their development (5–15 years), as well as the necessary costs for the creation, serial production,
purchase, and delivery of promising specialized complexes to the troops. To solve the tactical
tasks of covering the strongholds of individual units performing tasks in isolation from the main
forces from UAV attacks, the use of available engineering ammunition – directed fragmentation
mines MON-90, MON-200 is proposed. A simulation of the attack situation of small-sized lowflying
UAVs was carried out, and the probability of hitting UAVs with engineering fragmentation
mines was calculated, which showed an acceptable probability of hitting low-flying UAVs when
they were in the sector of detonation and scattering of a cloud of damaging elements of mines.
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