• I.I. Markovich Research and Design Bureau of Digital Signal Processing Southern Federal University
  • Е. Е. Zavtur Research and Design Bureau of Digital Signal Processing Southern Federal University
  • А. I.
Keywords: Passive radar, determination of coordinates, source of radio emission, differencerangefinder method, digital signal processing, unmanned aerial vehicle


The expediency of creating a passive multi-position radar based on a grouping of unmanned
aerial vehicles is substantiated. The variant of building of such radar is proposed, the main technical
problems of the sonar developing are evaluated and possible ways to overcome them areconsidered. It is shown that for detecting aerial targets and determining their coordinates from
the radio emission of on-board equipment, the difference-rangefinder method is the most promising
as it does not depend on signal modulation and is potentially resistant to interference. For
small-sized UAV for transmitting information over open radio channels, the typical frequency
ranges are 2.4 and 5.0 GHz. A block diagram of a passive multi-position radar has been developed,
including digital shapers of the quadrature components of the received signal, blocks for
detecting and determining the coordinates of the target. The main parameters are calculated and
analytical expressions of digital signal processing algorithms for detecting and determining the
coordinates of the target are given. A stroboscopic effect is used in the digital quadrature component
shaper, which allows for bandpass signals to select the sampling frequency not by the upper
boundary frequency of the spectrum, but by its width, which significantly reduces the requirements
for the performance of the ADC and the DSP devices following it. The complex envelopes of the
detected signals are generated by the method of digital generation in the time domain using digital
low-frequency filters. The detection of signals is performed by an energy detector, the advantages
of which are simplicity of implementation and operability in the absence of a priori information
about the received signal. To determine the coordinates of the radio source, signal delays are
calculated between pairs of signals received by three UAV from a multi-position radar, which are
determined by the maximum modulo values of the mutual correlation functions of the signals in
these pairs. It is shown that the proposed algorithms are well adapted to the processing of possible
sources of radio emission on board small-sized UAV. It is established that the required performance
of the radar computer for real-time operation does not exceed 84.62 GFLOPS. The design
of an on-board antenna module of a passive multi-position radar in the form of a microstrip reconfigurable
antenna, tunable in frequency and polarization, is proposed.


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