• А. М. Albertian Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control"
  • I.I. Kurochkin Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • E.I. Vatutin Southwest State University
Keywords: Distributed computing, multithreaded application, heterogeneous computing system, performance optimization, computing resources allocation, desktop grid, coprocessor, Xeon Phi, orthogonal diagonal latin squares, DLS


The main goal of this work is to create a parallel application that performs computations
using a multithreaded execution model, optimized to make the best utilization of all available
hardware resources. One of the main implementation requirements is to optimize application performance
on different computer architectures, and to enable parallel execution of the application
on various computing devices that are part of a heterogeneous computing system. The possibility
of applying various methods of software and algorithmic optimization on multiprocessor architectures
of different generations was investigated as well as the effectiveness of their use for highly
loaded multithreaded applications was estimated. The problem of quasi-optimal dynamic distribution
of computational tasks among all currently available computing devices of a heterogeneous
computing system was also solved. Currently, not only multiprocessor computing systems are used
to solve large computational problems, but also various types of distributed systems. Distributed
computing systems have a number of features: possible failures of nodes and communication
channels, unstable operating time of nodes, possible errors in calculations, heterogeneity of computing
nodes. By heterogeneity of computing nodes, we will understand not only the different computing
capacity and different architectures of central processors, but also the presence of other
devices on the node capable of performing calculations. Such devices include video cards and
mathematical coprocessors. A node of a distributed computing system will be called heterogeneous
if, in addition to one or more central processing units, it contains additional computing devices.
When solving a computational problem on a distributed system, it is necessary to maximize the
utilization of all available computing resources. To do this, it is necessary not only to distribute
computing subtasks to nodes in accordance with their computing capacity, but also to take into
account the features of additional computing devices. This work is devoted to the study of methods
for maximizing the resources utilization of heterogeneous nodes.


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