• O.N. Chislov Rostov State Transport University
  • E.A. Mamaev Rostov State Transport University
  • M.V. Kolesnikov Rostov State Transport University
  • M.V. Bakalov Rostov State Transport University
  • V.M. Zadorozhniy
Keywords: Multi-agent interaction, operator, intellectualization, transport polygon, areas of influence, territorial picture, analytical curves


Under the conditions of operation's and rolling stock owner’s plurality on the Russian railway
network the following issues are in case: excessive freight-hauling and carrying capacity of
section, oncoming rerun of empty boxcar in one type, excessive mileage of empty boxcars, sectional
speed reduction and others. More effective cooperation of transit process members based on
logistics, market simulation of freight traffics, creation of math models with the use of digitalization
and intellectualization methods of control are necessary for solving mentioned issues. This
study is devoted to research matters of principles updating modelling multi-agent interaction in
the portside transport systems. Methods of statistical, morphological, regression and system analysis,
mathematical and analytical modelling compose the methodological basis of the research.
Research and modelling characteristics of freight and car traffic flow distribution under contexts
of multiagency of transport complex, wherein the author-developed economic and geographical
method to delimit stations’ «spheres of influence» is applied allow to create analytical models of
transportation process based on integrated assessment of transport and technological infrastructure
of the railway polygon and cost of transport services. Building of a digital geographical model
of rolling stock distribution according to types of transportation service for portside stations by
analytic curves of higher order is one of special characteristics. «Spheres of influence» of loading
stations obtained by methods of economic and geographical delimitation allows formulating a
range of preferential directions while distributing car traffic. Acquired territorial scene of distributing
car traffic is a basis for solution of multi-attribute problem of optimization of boxcar directions
regulation taking into account multi-operator market of rolling stock, digitalization and intellectualization
of the branch. In addition to solution of objectives of transport services market
regulation in terms of rolling stock distribution, the problems of technological, economic, fiscaland digital interaction on a basis of logistics in the multi-agent systems are continued to be crucial.
Model and methodological propositions formed in this context should ensure reduction of
transport and logistic costs with parallel improvement of quantitative, qualitative and temporary
indicators of integrated logistic supply chains realization.


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