• N.K. Kiselev JSC Central Design Bureau Lazurit
  • L.A. Martynova JSC CSRI Elektropribor
Keywords: Autonomous underwater vehicle, electrical network, hybrid power supply system, sources of electrical energy, current-wire


The aim of the research was to control the electrical network of a hybrid power supply system
for an autonomous underwater vehicle designed to travel over ultra-long distances over tens
of thousands of kilometers. To overcome ultra-long distances, the urgent task is to minimize the
specific consumption of electricity, provided that all consumers are provided with electricity. The
relevance of the work is determined by the novelty of using a hybrid power supply system in autonomous
unmanned underwater vehicles, consisting of heterogeneous sources of electricity operating
on different physical principles. Due to the lack of research to date, related to the control of
the hybrid power supply system, coordinated with the modes of motion of the vehicle in a wide range of speeds, the problem arose of developing control algorithms for the hybrid power supply
system. To solve the problem, the reasons for the change in current consumption during the
movement of the device were analyzed, the necessary conditions for connecting consumers to the
bus ducts were formed, including providing all consumers with electricity in full, excluding the
excess of the rated currents of each bus duct with consumption currents, minimizing electricity
losses when passing through the conductor and through the equipment. In this regard, the possible
configurations of the construction of the electrical network using conductors and equipment were
analyzed, and losses on the current conductors and on the equipment used were estimated. Based
on the results of the research, a graph of consumers' connections to the conductors was formed,
and to determine the way of connecting each consumer to the energy source through the power
grid, a connection path was determined that minimizes losses. The problem was formalized as
finding the shortest path in a graph, and Dijkstra's algorithm was used as a basis to solve it. Based
on the research results, algorithms were formed for the formation of ways to connect consumers to
electricity sources through the power grid and an algorithm for controlling the switching of keys
in the power grid when the consumption currents change. The developed algorithms were implemented
in software, and a numerical experiment was carried out using a simulation model. The
results of the experiment showed the correctness of the developed algorithms, and can be further
used for implementation in the devices under development for moving over ultra-long distances.


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