• А.А. Zadorozhniy FIST UlSTU
Keywords: Air data system, air data modeling, instrument speed, angle of attack, determination of reliability, parametric control, quorum control


The article describes about of the typical methods of air data parametric quorum control,
and an analysis of their capabilities to determine parametric failures that occur in the air data
system. To perform the calculations, the most common types of failures of the path of perception
and measurement of air pressure of the air signal system, causing catastrophic consequences,
were selected, the physical principles of their occurrence were described, the implementation of
which made it possible to build mathematical models of signal distortion. Based on the results of
modeling the operation of typical quorum control methods, and their response to failures artificially
introduced into the system, the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used are determined.
In order to eliminate the shortcomings found as a result of the analysis, an alternative
method for determining failures of the sensor group of the air data system is proposed by implementing
cross-checking of the parameters obtained from the pneumatic and vane sensor groups of
the system. For the proposed method, the results of modeling based on real flight data of a mainline
aircraft with parametric failures artificially introduced into them are presented. The possibility
of using the cross-checking algorithm in single-channel systems of air signals of small-sized
aircraft is evaluated. The statement of the research problem is formulated as follows: in order to
ensure the flight safety of an aircraft when using information in the control loop from a singlechannel
air data system, it is necessary to ensure the detection and exclusion of unreliable data
from the array of information issued by the system to consumers of information. At the same time,
the task of detecting and excluding data must be solved by the air data system itself, without using
additional data from other aircraft systems. Mathematical analysis, numerical modeling, determination
of correction factors and preparation of initial data were carried out in the MathCAD software
and mathematical complex. Analysis of the results of the studying implemented in the
MathCAD PMC cross-checking algorithm showed that the problem of determining the reliability
of information can be solved autonomously when it implemented a single-channel system of air
signals in an aircraft.


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