Analysis of methods for calculating operational tolerances on the parameters of radio-electronic systems showed the absence of taking into account the requirements for the permissible values of the quality index of the system characterizing robotic systems (complexes), as well as the assumption of a significant methodological error, increasing with the elevation in the number of controlled parameters. The purpose of the article is to study the relationship between the con-trolled parameters of a multiparameter robotic complex to reduce the number of failures by cor-recting the tolerances on the parameters. It is proposed to take into account the correlation of the output parameters in the mathematical model of the technical state of the robotic complex in the evaluation of the measurement results. The need for correction (agreement) of tolerances on the parameters due to the fact that one parameter being in the tolerance, due to the connection with another parameter, can take the last of the tolerance field. To take into account the correlation of the parameters, it is proposed to use the uncertainty region (tolerance range), since other methods (for example, the method of assigning independent intervals to each parameter separately) do not allow to take into account the correlation of the parameters of electronic systems, which leads to a de-crease in the reliability of the control results. To assess the state of the robotic complex in the param-eter space, it is necessary to have information about the boundary of the uncertainty domain, which can be set as a set of boundary points or as hypersurfaces. The uncertainty approximiert ellipsoid, such as the method of ellipsoids is most applicable to solve the problems of inaccurate processing of the measurement values of the monitored parameters of robotic systems. The construction of the un-certainty region based on its representation by the initial set of possible values of the n-dimensional estimated vector of the output parameters characterizing the technical condition of the robotic com-plex taking arbitrary values from the ellipsoid is carried out. The calculation of the probability of outputs (emissions) of the controlled correlated parameters beyond the uncertainty range by integrat-ing the density distribution in this area is made. The dependence of the emission frequency on the emission probability determined as the probability of non-falling into the scattering ellipse of corre-lated parameters on the basis of methods of the theory of random processes is determined. The mod-eling of the process of receipt of signals characterizing the technical condition of the robotic complex as a Queuing system, the input of which receives emergency signals in the form of random requests (requirements) for maintenance in the appropriate channels, the role of which in the control sys-tems is performed by controllers. The change in thresholds is determined by service requests with an intensity proportional to the frequency of emissions. Thus, it is shown that it is possible to im-prove the efficiency of control systems due to the organization of adaptive changes in the toleranc-es of correlated parameters by methods of Queuing theory
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