Some civil aircraft assume two actuators simultaneously turning aside the flight control surface
(rudder, in some cases aileron or elevator). Thus resulting in onset of the force fighting (mutual
loading force). There are several ways to reduce the mutual loading force. One of them is to insert
specific force equalization algorithm in actuators steering. This article deals with effectiveness of
force equalization algorithm as well as its influence on system “2 active actuators - elevator”. Mathematic model of two actuators on elevator has been formed and tested by the developed testing method
that reproduces the most severe operation conditions. There are several nonlinearities which is
contained in mathematic model: sleeve-travel physical limits, nonlinear effects of fluid foil, rod-travel
physical limits and attachment rigidity. Force equalization algorithm comprises a pressure differential
feedback loop with PID regulator. The results show that force equalization algorithm is highly
efficient (mutual loading force has been reduced over than 90%) in mode test without external load.
However, in test mode with external load it is necessary to introduce a limitation on the magnitude of
the corrective signal so as decrease the rod drop to level specified in terms of reference. Algorithm
has no effect on stability margin of the system. In conclusion, results of this study could also be useful
to expand the test program for two actuators simultaneously turning aside the flight control surfaces
to further simplify the implementation of the force equalization algorithm.
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