• S.A. Tkalich Voronezh State Technical University
Keywords: Forecasting, emergency situation, technological process, composite model, integral criterion, decision making module, priority regulator


The task of building a decision-making system within the framework of automated systems of
accident-free control of technological processes based on forecasting models is considered.
The analysis of models and methods of emergency forecasting is presented. The task of developing
a methodology for practical implementation of the system based on the integral criterion of accident-
free control, taking into account the time reserves to bring the process to a normal state
(emergency forecasting system) and the resource component (preventive maintenance system) is
formulated. The conclusion is made about the expediency of building decision-making systems and
automated control systems based on forecasting models, as the most promising approach to solving
the problem of accident-free control of technological processes. The principle of building a
decision-making system is based on the use of the integral criterion of accident-free management.
The block diagram of the algorithm for calculating the integral criterion of accident-free control is
presented. Hybrid methodology for practical realization of such systems on the basis of priority
regulation, which includes a standard regulator, is offered. The procedure of formation of priority
regulators according to the forecast data is described. A block diagram of the algorithm of the
priority regulator, which determines the critical parameter on the basis of sensitivity theory, is
presented. In case of a positive forecast on an accident, the critical parameter is selected by the
maximum of the sensitivity coefficient, and the minimum or maximum value of the parameter depending
on the sign of its rate of change is fed to the standard regulator from the matrix of critical
values as a set point. The structure of the decision-making system based on the concept of accident-
free control of technological processes is given. The station of accident-free control forms the
data for the decision-making module on the basis of the compositional model of emergency forecasting
and the integral criterion of accident-free control. Algorithm block diagram of the decision
making module for priority regulation is given.


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