• К. А. Boikov MIREA – Russian Technological University
Keywords: Bipolar transistor, signal radio profile, technical diagnostics, correlation analysis, radio engineering unit, free vibrations


The advantage of the promising method of passive radiosensor technical diagnostics
(PRTD) over the currently existing methods for determining the technical condition (vibrometry,
thermal control, JTAG-testing, optical control) are: no inertia, no processor time, no galvanic
contact with the object of study. In modern scientific literature, almost no attention is paid to numerical
models of electronic devices, including those based on bipolar transistors (BPT), which
describe the process of oscillatory redistribution of energy and radiation used in PRTD. Therefore,
the purpose of this study is to develop the PRTD method through the development, analysis
and comparison of circuit and electrodynamic models of oscillatory energy redistribution in the
BPT. The paper presents and analyzes simplified circuit and electrodynamic models of oscillatory
redistribution of energy in the BPT. The parameters of the models are calculated signal radio
profiles (SRP) are obtained for the electrical component of electromagnetic radiation created by
the radio-electronic unit itself, built on the BPT. Methods for adjusting the reference parameters
depending on the actual conditions for switching on the BPT are shown. It has been established
that the cross-correlation function of the SRP obtained as a result of circuit and electrodynamic
modeling is not lower than 0.93, which indicates a high similarity of the presented models. In
practice, the use of the developed models in the analysis of SRP obtained by recording the intrinsic
emissions of radio engineering components of electronic devices will allow us to determine the
operating mode of the BPT and its speed with a sufficiently high accuracy. This analysis can be
used in the PRTD, indicating a malfunction of the signal circuits, or degradation of the parameters
of the element itself in the early stages


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