• А.К. Melnikov JSC "Computing Solutions"
  • I.I. Levin Southern Federal University
  • А.I. Dordopulo Supercomputers and Neurocomputers Research Center
  • I.V. Pisarenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Probability, statistic, exact distribution, exact approximation, algorithm complexity, cluster system, processor, graphic accelerator, reconfigurable computer system, FPGA


In the paper we consider the solution of a computationally expensive problem such as calculation
of statistics probability distribution with the help of modern computer technologies. To reduce
computational complexity and to provide a sufficient level of criteria efficiency not less than
the specified threshold, we suggest to use Δ-exact approximations. To calculate exact approximations,
we use the method of second order, based on solution of a system of linear equations. Owing
to this method, it is possible to calculate exact approximations for the maximum values of sample
parameters for available computational resource. The most laborious part of the method of second
order is the procedure of sequential detection of the vectors of possible solutions and test if the
vectors belong to the set of solutions. The system solution set membership test for the vectors of
possible solutions is data independent, so the algorithm can be data-parallelized. We give the algorithm
complexity equation for calculation of exact approximations of statistics probability distributions.
Using this equation, we calculated the complexity of modern practical problems for the
samples with the parameters (N, n) of the alphabet power and the sample size: (256,1280),
(128,640), (128, 320), and (192,3200) for the accuracy of calculations =10-5. The computational
complexity is 9.68·1022-1.60·1052 operations, and its average value is about 4.55·1025 operations,
the number of tested vectors is 6.50·1023-1.39·1050, and the number of solutions is 4.67·1012-
5.60·1025, respectively. The total solution time for clock-round duration of calculations cannot
exceed 30 days or 2.592·106 sec. For the obtained complexity evaluation, we analysed abilities of
modern cluster computer systems based on general-purpose processors, graphic accelerators, and
FPGA-based reconfigurable computer systems. For each technology, we determined the number of
computational nodes needed for calculation of exact approximations with the specified parameters
during the specified time. We proved that it is impossible to obtain a solution for the required parameters
of exact approximations of statistics probability with the help of the reviewed modern
computer technologies. In conclusion, we claim that it is necessary to analyse the abilities of advanced
computer technologies based of quantum and photonic computers, and also hybrid computer
systems for calculation of exact approximations of statistics probability distributions with
the specified parameters during reasonable time.


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