• Z.A. Kokov Kabadino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov
  • О. А. Molokanov Kabadino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov
  • L.O. Kardanova Lenar Eye Clinic LLC
  • M.R. Kyshkhov Kabadino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov
Keywords: Atomic force microscopy, cataracts, intraocular lens, optical transmittance spectrum, surface roughness


Manufacturers of intraocular lenses are constantly improving the parameters of artificial lenses,
functionally bringing them closer to their natural counterpart. In this work, an experimental study of a
number of important physical and technical parameters of intraocular lenses of the world's leading
manufacturers, affecting the quality of vision of operated patients, was carried out. The transmission
spectra of optical radiation of intraocular lenses in the range of 200–800 nm were investigated. In the
short-wavelength part, the measurement results showed a high efficiency of the protective properties of
intraocular lenses from ultraviolet radiation. It is shown that radiation with a wavelength of up to
350 nm is completely absorbed by the lens material, and the transmission of waves with a wavelength of
400 nm is 20 %. Further, up to a wavelength of 550 nm, an increase in the transmittance of the studied
intraocular lens to 100 % is observed, after which it gradually decreases to the end of the visible range
to 85%. The work also investigated the influence of the quality of the surface treatment of intraocular
lenses on the likelihood of secondary cataract development in the long-term period. According
to postoperative statistics, the likelihood of secondary cataract is 20–35 %. The appearance of
areas of optical opacity is due to various factors, one of which is the quality of the surface treatment
of intraocular lenses. The smoothness of the surface profile of the lens depends on the model,
manufacturing technology and material of the artificial lens. The study of the quality of surface
treatment of soft and hard intraocular lenses was carried out by atomic force microscopy. An
analysis of the results of scanning the surface of intraocular lenses and a statistical analysis of
630 clinical cases of secondary cataract in the long-term postoperative period (6 months or more)
showed their relationship. If the height of irregularities (protrusions) on the lens surface increases
to 70 nm or more, the likelihood of secondary cataract in the postoperative period increases from
6 to 15 %.


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