• D.E. Gubarev Southern Federal University
  • Y.V. Yukhanov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Directional diagram, Luneberg lens (LL), diagram-forming devices (DFD), antenna array, dynamic range


As part of the research and development work "Lens" carried out at the enterprise JSC
"TNIIS", a design of a four-stage Luneberg lens was developed on the basis of a homogeneous
stepped dielectric, a model with an external diameter of 210 mm was made (dielectric material
PT-3 distribution of rays at the exit of the lens aperture. The width of the BP ranged from 10 -14
degrees. The level of side lobes at frequencies fw, fav, fn does not exceed -13 dB in level, weight
0.3 kg. According to these parameters at the given frequencies, the lens differs from previously
developed analogs. The purpose of the work is to develop a design and manufacture a model of a
four-stage Luneberg lens based on a homogeneous stepped dielectric, which will not be inferior in
its characteristics to foreign counterparts, which will provide the possibility of import substitution.
And also one of the goals of the work is to simplify the coordination of such a lens with a feeder
path and transceiver equipment, the production of which would be economically feasible in comparison
with analogs. It is also necessary to conduct an experimental study of the beamforming
device based on this lens in order to obtain the directional patterns of the central beam and in all
7 output beams of the Luneberg lens at the given three frequencies.


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