• H.S. Alamir Southern Federal University
  • E.V. Zargaryan Southern Federal University
  • Y.A. Zargaryan Southern Federal University
Keywords: Neural networks, traffic flow modeling, precision method, multilayer architecture, artificial intelligence


In connection with the industrialization of modern society, the growth of the transport systems
of our country, an increase in certain necessary for the development of the needs of the citizens
of our country, the number of vehicles of various types continues to increase every year very
fast, causing huge traffic jams on transport roads, especially in large cities and megacities. Thus,
forecasting traffic flows is an important and necessary component of optimal traffic control in
modern conditions of transport network development. As a solution to this problem, this article
aims to analyze and describe the application of artificial intelligence methods, in particular neural
networks, which represent a modern approach to modeling in complex and nonlinear situations
that arise when predicting a traffic flow model. The shown accuracy method is based on the development
of a neural network to predict the daily traffic flow. The expected traffic flow is then compared
with the actual dataset recorded on the road section and provided by the infrastructure
manager. In fact, neural networks are able to learn from past situations and predict future situations
on the transport network. In this study, various neural network structures were examined, and the simulation results showed that the best predictions were obtained using the multilayer
perceptron architecture, which has a good generalization system with a root mean square error of
0.00927 with the current set of vehicles. The first part of the article is devoted to defining various
concepts related to the current research area, including a review of the literature on traffic prediction
and neural networks. The second part is devoted to describing the problem of traffic congestion
using forecasting problems and presenting the proposed solution method with an emphasis on
artificial neural networks as a means of forecasting demand and its various structures. Then, numerical
experiments are illustrated by analyzing the forecast results after the formation and testing
of various neural network architectures.


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