• V.V. Kovalev Southern Federal University
  • N.E. Sergeev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Convolutional neural networks, computing optimization, embedded computing devices, optimization methods, object detection


Large amounts of video data captured by sensor sensors in various spectral ranges, the significant
size of convolutional neural network architectures create problems with the implementation of
neural network algorithms on peripheral devices due to significant limitations of computing resources
on embedded computing devices. The article discusses the use of algorithms for automatic search and
pattern recognition based on machine learning methods, implemented on embedded devices with a
computing resource Graphics Processing Unit. Detection convolutional neural networks «You Only
Look Once V3» and «You Only Look Once V3-Tiny» are used as a search and pattern recognition algorithm,
which are implemented on embedded computing devices of the NVIDIA Jetson line, located in
different price ranges and with different computing resources ... Also, in the work, the estimates ofalgorithms on embedded devices are experimentally calculated for such indicators as power consumption,
forward passage time of a convolutional neural network, and detection accuracy.
On the basis of solutions implemented, both at the hardware level and in software, presented by
NVIDIA, it becomes possible to use deep neural network algorithms based on the convolution
operation in real time. Computational optimization methods offered by NVIDIA are considered.
Experimental studies of the influence of computations with reduced accuracy on the speed and
accuracy of object detection in images of the investigated architectures of convolutional neural
networks, which were previously trained on a sample of images consisting of the PASCAL VOC
2007 and PASCAL VOC 2012 datasets, have been carried out.


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