The possibility of development and creation of samples of the small and average autono-mous underwater vehicles (AUV) based on the bionic principles of the movement intended for monitoring, investigation, fighting protection of surface and underwater means of navy and per-formance of transport functions in the hydrosphere by special purpose divisions of the Navy of the Russian Federation is considered. The scientific and technical novelty of the offered designs of bionic underwater robots is made by the mathematical models, methods, algorithms of design of mobile robots allowing to define the main regularities of the movement and to select optimum parameters of a design according to the criteria of quality defining the minimum energy con-sumption, the maximum speed of the movement, etc. Scientific justification of the new technical solutions allowing to create a design of the bearing part of mobile devices with use of new light materials (a coal plastic, kevlar, carbon fabrics, etc.) and the systems of automatic control of the movement of mobile robots on the basis of new microelement base and the distributed touch devices, taking into account features of local and global systems of navigation, the systems of self-diagnostics of the robot and control of the hinged equipment is offered. In a design the sys-tems of electric onboard food with a possibility of autonomous recharge of accumulators and uses of renewables are used. Methods and algorithms of the adaptive operated movement by mobile objects on the basis of methods of artificial intelligence with use of fuzzy logic and neu-ral network technologies in real time are developed and checked. Natural tests of prototypes of AUV based on the bionic principles of the movement and comparison of their parameters of functioning to traditional AUV to screw propellers showed a number of the expected advantages of the first over the second, in particular, on such tactical and technical indicators as maneu-verability, level and a range of the generated noise, etc. Preliminary estimate of degree of effi-ciency of application of the robotic means based on the bionic principles for the benefit of special divisions of the Navy of the Russian Federation shows that realization of this direction allows to increase significantly reserve of the performed special operations and also to exclude losses of staff of Special Forces. Besides, massive use of robotic means allows to increase the probability of performance of fighting tasks significantly.
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