• N.K. Zhukov Space Research Institute RAS (IKI RAS)
  • V.A. Mordvinov MIREA – Russian Technological University
  • А.А. Ruslyakov MIREA – Russian Technological University
Keywords: Pareto set, Ideal point method, normalization, harmonization, cognition


The article discusses the developed authorized methodology based on the Ideal Point Method
using the Pareto set, which makes it possible to look from modern technological positions at the
features of information interaction for evaluating activities and regulating inter-agent interactions,
which was the basis for the discipline updates of the Russian Technological University proposed
with the participation of the authors ( MIREA), Institute of Information Technologies, Department
of Instrumental and Applied Software "Information Management of Systems" of the
fourth year of the bachelor's degree program 09.03.04 "Software Engineering" (specializing in
"Software Development and Design of Information Systems"). The main advantages of the Ideal
Point Method using the Pareto set are described. The mathematical description of the Pareto set
and the Ideal Point Method is presented. The use of the modernized method makes it possible to
improve the indicators of emergence in the process of improving educational programs, connecting
and reconstructing their modules and inter-agent interactions between them. An example of
the implementation of the modified method in the information system is shown, from the point of
view of standardization and harmonization of educational content. This article includes an introduction,
a formal formulation of the problem, designed to solve an urgent problem considered in
the dissertations of the authors, a review of existing approaches in this method, a description of
the proposed multi-agent solution to the problem using a mathematical model, an implementation
algorithm, a description of the application of the proposed approach in relation to the task scheduling
process, and a conclusion ... The main advantages of this technique include the choice of
criteria that surpass others in terms of a set of features; this method assumes the creation of an
"ideal object", that is, a certain solution option that can be taken as the best possible solution. It is
assumed that the procedure for selecting a superior object consists of several steps, the formation
of an "ideal object", determination for each object of the multi-criteria distance to the "ideal object",
analysis of the set of objects for proximity to the "ideal object", exclusion of objects from the
initial set, which are deliberately recognized unsuccessful, as well as obtaining a reduced set of
admissible objects; assessment of the reduced set of feasible objects for emergence indicators of
the solution found.


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