• L.K. Babenko Southern Federal University
  • A.S. Shumilin Southern Federal University
  • D.M. Alekseev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Information security, medical information system, privacy, cloud computing, information security, data processing, data systematization, big data, encryption


The aim of the work is the development and implementation of the architecture of a cloud
storage system, systematization and processing of survey results (for example, EEG) and an algorithm
for ensuring the protection of confidential data based on a completely homomorphic cryptosystem.
The object of the research is the technologies of storage, transmission, processing and
protection of confidential information in distributed medical information systems. The architecture
of a cloud platform for distributed storage, processing, systematization and protection of confidential
data (results of medical examinations) has been developed, which makes it possible to interact
with various medical information systems and diagnostic hardware in order to generate big data.
An algorithm has been developed to ensure the safety of medical data stored in a cloud platform in electronic form, recorded during patient examinations in order to calculate the average value for
each of the brain activity rhythms (based on the results of a series of examinations over a long
period of time) using a fully homomorphic encryption algorithm. Based on the test results (analysis
of the execution time of such operations as: encryption, decryption, addition, multiplication,
signal-to-noise ratio of ciphertext to plaintext), the optimal algorithm. According to the results of
the work, it is shown that the fully homomorphic encryption scheme CKKS is the most effective,
especially in the context of the criticality of the requirements for a high level of security of confidential
data, which determines the choice of this scheme for the implementation of the algorithm
proposed in this work.


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