• V.Y. Dorofeev SPMDB "Malachite", USBC JSC
  • A.A. Kurnosov SPMDB "Malachite", USBC JSC
  • A.V. Lopota The Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC)
  • S.A. Polovko The Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC)
Keywords: Complex system, interaction, robotic engineering, global aims, life cycle, integration mechanisms, compatibility, effect derived from path-dependence, design approach


This research was aimed to determine approaches to generation of an optimized develop-ment strategy for RIC-systems – large cybernetic systems utilizing various robotic means (RIR -systems) in the aggregate with “civilization” – the infrastructures, flows and personnel, – realized through the mechanisms defining interaction of the above mentioned structures. The objectives of this research were to define a subject domain, organizational design principles, global develop-ment aims and generalized mechanisms of integration for RIC-system components; new destabi-lizing effects and threats as side consequences of new RIC-technologies: factors of growth of an-thropogenic disorders in RIC-systems; occurrence and strengthening of RIC-system component incompatibility factors; growth of cognitive bias when controlling the RIC-systems; generation of new technologies and growth of potential effectiveness of lethal stand-alone systems, as well as terrorist attack methods; defining an approach to goal-setting and compatibility in RIC-systems, as well as factors effecting variation of RIC-systems controllability with growing complexity;comparative assessment of reasonability of developing RIR- and RIC-systems for various design models; setting a problem of changing the effect derived from path-dependence in early stages of RIR-system development. Main conclusions: Creation of RIC-systems essentially expands the fea-sible approaches to selection of development strategies for a number of markets and robotic indus-try in particular. The properties of complex RIC-systems essentially differ from properties of RIR-systems. Organizational principles of such system design are offered herein. It is suggested that main components of RIC-system structures are: physical mateability of objects, adjustment and mating of objects; energy exchange; data exchange, communication and remote control; naviga-tion. It is shown that, with all other factors being equal, the value of profit significantly exceeds the profit from implementation of stand-alone RIR-systems. The research is offering a statement of the problem of changing the effect derived from path-dependence in early stages of RIR-system development in favor of the assumed RIC-approach. The design scheme of work planning and organization is offered as a perspective one.


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