• D.A. Mishchenko Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
  • А.А. L’vov Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
  • А. А. Nikiforov Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
  • Alalvan Amin Raad Jihad Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
  • M.S. Svetlov Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control of RAS
Keywords: Telecommunications network, dynamic control, queuing system, bandwidth, noise immunity


The paper proposes a semi-Markov model of telecommunication network. The variant of dynamic
traffic control of queuing system as a special case of telecommunication network is considered.
The main purpose of control is to minimize the average cost per unit of time to service the
incoming flow of information (packets). This takes into account the different bandwidth of the
channels, the processing speed of information in the channel and the information capacity of the
buffers. The approach to the organization of dynamic control taking into account noise immunity
(information reliability) and information security is discussed. The problem of dynamic control of
a telecommunication network is considered on the example of a simple single-channel structure of
the “point-to-point” type, which is modeled as a linear unidirectional Markov chain. The parameters
of the service tariff, the cost of the fine for refusal of service were introduced. The analysis
allows us to make the following remarks that the distribution of the input information flow of
packets is Poisson, the law of distribution of the length of packets and the speed of their arrival is
exponential, which together characterizes the Markov process. However, there are concurrent
service delays relative to the timing of service requests, including buffer overflow delays. The proposed
semi-Markov model of a telecommunications network can be used for more complex network
structures. In particular, for a telecommunication network, consisting not only of one singlechannel
information transmission system (single-channel queuing system), but representing a set
of several systems, that is, for multichannel telecommunication networks.


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