• D.V. Belyaev Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications
  • D.E. Gubarev Southern Federal University
  • К. Е. Rumyantsev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Multi-threshold meter, pulse duration, random error, an impulse with oscillations at the top and cut;, amplitude quantization step


In systems for automatic measurement of the duration of video pulses, various devices for amplifying
and shaping pulses of a normalized level are used, the duration of which is equal to the duration
of the input signals. A rough measurement of the duration of video pulses can be made with onethreshold
meters. More accurate are multi-threshold and floating-threshold meters. Pulse duration
meters have found wide application in electronic warfare equipment, in measuring technology. The
variation in the shape of electrical signals does not allow the use of a single measurement method,
which is the best for all shapes, therefore, the search for technical solutions that satisfy the conflicting
requirements continues: a wide range of durations and duty cycles. The aim of this work is to
carry out a mathematical analysis of the random error in measuring the pulse duration with oscillations
at the top by multi-threshold duration meters. In the course of the work, the results of a numerical
experiment were obtained to measure the duration of a pulse with oscillations at the top using
multi-threshold duration meters. And also a comparison was made of four multi-threshold duration
meters for the investigated pulse shape. The calculation results are presented for a signal dynamic
range of 60 dB and an amplitude quantization step of 3dB and 12 dB.


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