• I. V. Rodygina Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University
  • A.V. Nalivayko Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University
Keywords: Backend, java vert.x, php, node.js, web application, SAAS


This article focuses on a topic when developing web applications: the choice of technology
for writing the server side of the application. The question of the correct language and framework
for the implementation of the server side of the application is always relevant, since its quality of
work depends on this: whether the server will process a large number of requests, how quickly the
data will be processed and issued to the user - which is especially important for a sales management
system, since it assumes work with a large amount of data. Most modern web applications
are written using PHP, NodeJS. The method of development with PHP allows us to write blocking
and non-blocking code, which in any implementation, with a large number of requests, will significantly
load the system. NodeJS allows to implement asynchronous non-blocking code, but the lack
of typing can reduce the work on the project when it scales with quality. Java and its frameworks
and libraries will allow completing this task. The article describes the principle of interaction
between the client and server parts of a web application. Based on the selected criteria, a compared
were the technologies such as Java, PHP, NodeJS, and also the principle of operation of a
serverless architecture using the Google Firebase service was considered, frameworks and libraries
for creating the server side of an application were considered. Also, an important stage in the
comparison will be the execution of tests that will show what loads the frameworks can withstand,
how many requests can be processed, the delay between them. The optimal technology will be
selected, which will be used to develop the server side for sales management


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