• I.A. Pshenokova Institute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management of KBSC of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • O.V. Nagoeva Institute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management of KBSC of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Z.A. Sundukov nstitute of Computer Science and Problems of Regional Management of KBSC of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Self-learning robot, multi-agent systems, neurocognitive architecture, simulation model, pattern recognition


The purpose of this study is to develop a simulation model based on multi-agent neurocogni-tive systems, which will create an effective tool for solving the problems of recognition and under-standing by the robot of unstructured input data flows. The task is to develop a simulation model of the recognition function of static objects shown on the camera. The presented simulation model of recognition and understanding of static objects by a self-learning robot on the basis of multi-agent neurocognitive architectures allows to create concepts and categories using multimodal flows of input information and interaction with users to expand the system of these concepts and categories and clarify the relationship between them. On this basis, the problems of formalization of the semantics of natural language for linguistic complexes limited by the subject area can be solved, which will allow the use of a dialogue system to solve the problem of setting complex mis-sions to robots. Formalization of semantics of "common sense" on the basis of self-organization of multi-agent neurocognitive architectures will allow to develop simulation models of understanding of natural language statements. This, in turn, will remove the restriction on the creation of a dia-logue system that allows operators using a natural language description to form the formulation of the problem and the statement of its essential conditions.


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