• L. A. Gladkov Southern Federal University
  • N. V. Gladkova Southern Federal University
  • M.J. Yasir Southern Federal University
Keywords: Design automation, the problem of placing elements of digital computing devices, optimization problems, bioinspired algorithms, hybrid methods, genetic algorithms, fuzzy control


The problem of placing elements of digital computing technology is considered in the article.
The analysis of the current state of research on this topic is carried out, the relevance of the
problem under consideration is noted. The importance of developing new effective methods for
solving such problems are highlighted. The place of the placement problem in the general cycle ofthe design stage is shown. The importance of a high-quality solution to the placement problem
from the point of view of the successful implementation of subsequent design stages is noted. The
importance of minimizing connection delays in the design process of large-scale devices is noted.
A review and analysis of various models and criteria for evaluating the solution to the placement
problem is carried out. It was emphasized that the most important criterion is the length of the
joints, it has a significant impact on the technologies used in the design. A complex mathematical
formulation of the problem of placing elements of digital computing equipment has been completed.
Perspective approaches to solving design problems are analyzed, hybrid methods and models
for solving complex multicriteria optimization and design problems are described. The principles
of operation and the model of a fuzzy logic controller are described. The description of the used
fuzzy control scheme is given. The functions of various blocks of a fuzzy logic controller are determined.
The structure of a multilayer neural network that implements the Gaussian function is
proposed. The interaction of blocks of a fuzzy genetic algorithm is described. A model of a hybrid
algorithm for solving the placement problem is proposed. The control parameters of the fuzzy
logic controller are determined. The proposed hybrid algorithm is implemented as an application
program. A series of computational experiments to determine the effectiveness of the developed
algorithm and select the optimal values of the control parameters were carried out.


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