Preserving the historical memory of the participants of the Great Patriotic War
1941–1945 is a world-class task that should preserve the truth about the most terrible war and the
feat of our people. In modern conditions, attracting interest in history, traditions and finally
recognition of one's duty to the past generations requires modern methods. One of these methods
is the transformation of information, which allows you to present this information in such a way
that it can be used most effectively. At the same time, the main goal in the transformation of historical
data is to optimize their representations and formats and not change the information content.
The presented algorithms of transformation and analysis of information when creating a database
of participants of the Great Patriotic War were aimed at maximizing the preservation of historical
value and reliability of information. To achieve this goal, computer methods of information processing
for normalization and consolidation of personal data obtained from various sources are
considered. The analysis of the content of information in archival documents with the presentation
of statistical data on the number of documents (records) from various sources (archives, databases,
information resources, etc.) is carried out and the procedure for translating information
from archival documents into electronic form, which has been applied in practice, is described.
Based on the analysis of the information, diagrams of the content of personal information in archival
sources are constructed, the stages of systematization and bringing the generalized information
array records to a single format are presented, as well as the procedure for combining and
deleting duplicate records. For the possibility of using in other projects, an algorithm for consolidating
data obtained from various sources is described in detail, and its block diagram is constructed.
In addition, the applied fuzzy search algorithms are described, which made it possible to
minimize errors in records, as well as image comparison algorithms for searching for duplicates
from photographs. All of these algorithms have made it possible to bring together information
contained on various media, having different structures and geographical location. The created
information resource allows you to enormously reduce the resources needed to find the necessary
information, including access to which was limited or not at all. Further improvement of algorithms
for normalization and consolidation of information can serve as a basis for data migration
from outdated to promising systems, as well as for the formation of information resources from
existing heterogeneous archival funds.
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