• S. A. Botsvin The military training center at the National research University "Moscow Institute of electronic technology" (Moscow)
  • V.A. Khvatkov The military training center at the National research University "Moscow Institute of electronic technology" (Moscow)
Keywords: Automated system, personnel accounting, perspective structure, technical characteristics, elements of the structure, information interaction, principles of construction


Accounting of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (AFRF) is carried
out using several highly specialized automated systems, which does not allow solving tasks in a
single information space. The study identified problematic issues that arise when solving the tasks
of accounting personnel of the AFRF, such as low efficiency, the use of various media, low reliability
of information due to the lack of synchronization mechanisms between systems, etc.
The main subsystems are identified and a list of elements is defined for building the functional
structure of a promising automated system that will provide operational access to information for
an unlimited number of officials and automatically solve the tasks of collecting, summarizing and
presenting quantitative (statistical) data. Based on the analysis of the topological structure of the
personnel bodies of the AFRF, it is proposed to use a hierarchical (tree-like) structure to build a
promising automated system and transfer information between databases of different levels to
reduce information redundancy and load on server equipment. The priority option for organizing
data storage is distributed storage, which was chosen based on the requirements for the stability
and reliability of the operation of a promising automated system, especially in wartime. At the
same time, the use of replication mechanisms will allow for instant synchronization of information
at all levels. The calculation of the required resources for storing and processing information at
various levels, depending on the number of military personnel at each level, the frequency of occurrence
of personnel events and the amount of memory required for storing personal information.
On the basis of which the technical characteristics of the elements of a promising system, necessary
and sufficient for high-quality functioning, are determined, and the requirements for the technical
characteristics of server equipment and data storage systems are obtained. The conducted
research made it possible to construct a scheme for the perspective appearance of an automated
personnel accounting system and to justify the relevance of solving the problem of forming and
developing a new automated system. In addition, the results of the work made it possible to determine
the principles laid down in the prospective system, such as the construction of a hierarchical
distributed database, the creation of mechanisms for synchronizing information between system
elements, the possibility of using existing technical means and the organization of information
interaction with other automated systems


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